New Years’ Day plus five.
Well-intentioned resolutions beginning to fade?
The fact is, we can’t change ingrained habits with just a few days of will-power.
Ignorance is stubborn: solid, thick-skinned and often explosively powerful . . . well-equipped to knock us off-balance . . . time after time.
But here’s the thing:
When we allow the Dharma to actively reside in our mind, day-after-day,
a kind of authentic power emerges and concentrates around us.
Insights occur, mindfulness abides, clarity blossoms, wisdom manifests, skillful determination becomes de rigeur, contagious harmony and happiness prevail.
Buddhist masters, as well as today’s mind scientists, refer to this as the results of attentive familiarization.
It is real.
~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes us from doing this.