It is Easter Sunday, and I’ve been speculating on the meaning of this day through the lens of Dharma perspectives.
Thinking, in particular, of the idea of resurrection . . . of a perfect, eternal energy ascending from and through the harrowing trials and tribulations of mortal life.
In my own Buddha-speak . . . a kind of Easter-like Mind.
Is not the awakening of wisdom, itself the catalyst to emerging Buddha Nature, a redemptive resurrection of sorts . . . an arising from the confusing ignorance of material self-centeredness, a deliverance from the turbulence of harmful emotional states and motivations?
In this regard, Buddhist “Easter” is not an annual historical event, but one capable of occurring at every moment, for all sentient beings.
It is a resurgence earned and cultivated by self-knowledge, contemplation, meditation and engagement with that which infuses our understandings.
Nourishing the Easter-like Mind is, for Mahayana practitioners, a daily practice. It is built on awareness, mindfulness and empowering the precious bodhicitta that is intrinsic within the fabric of all minds.
~If this resonates, neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from participating.