By just about any survey, algorithmically conducted or informally conversational, when persistent human fears are considered, it is Dying and/or Death that usually appears near the top of most lists.
Perhaps this is experienced by some in a very direct way: as fear of the unknown, or of a great and final pain; or for others in a more indirect manner . . . masquerading as dis-ease at being cut loose alone, or of endless darkness; as a loss of relevance, or of imagining the everyday reality of our friends and loved ones with “me”, “I” or “mine” no longer an aspect of it.
In our Tibetan Buddhist curriculum of practical teachings and methods (i.e., DharmaPractics), fears and obstacles of all forms and intensities are often revealed and overcome through insight and understanding merged with experiences of clarity and confidence.
Which leads me to wonder, somewhat whimsically . . . knowing that the French phrase for orgasm is “la petite mort” — the little death – could it be that dying will come in the nature of the ‘great’ orgasm?
~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from considering this.