Lean In, Play for Keeps

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said he wakes up each morning before 4:00 to study and meditate. When asked why he repeatedly reviews the same texts he has taught numerous times, and is expert in, he replies that he is striving to further purify his intentions.

When Pablo Casals, the cello virtuoso, was in his 90’s, he was asked why he still practiced three hours a day. He replied, “because I think I am improving.”

“Practicing an art,” said Kurt Vonnegut, “no matter how well or how badly, is a way to make your soul grow, so do it consistently, for heaven’s sake.”

“I write only when inspiration strikes,” reported Somerset Maugham. “Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.”

“Life is not only merriment; it is desire and determination,” said Kahlil Gibran.


There are times when it seems the ego will tell us anything, just to keep us from doing our Dharma work.

And one of the ego’s most potent tools is procrastination.

Why is procrastination so potent? Because it is so easy for us to rationalize.

For example: I don’t tell myself I’m never going to read that sutra, or diligently re-start my meditation practice. Instead I say to myself: There’s no time now, but I’ll begin the sutra tomorrow, and this weekend should be a great time to rededicate myself to meditation . . .

Familiar rationale?
So simple is procrastination to slip into . . . so habitual it easily becomes.


The Dharma teaches that each moment brings with it opportunities for intentionally meaningful activity.

There is never a moment lacking the potential for mindful, virtuous wholesomeness.

Remain aware, follow the guidance of the brilliant ones:
Commit full-time.
Be in love with it.
Lean in, play for keeps.

~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from doing this.