Your Eclipse goggles.
Once important, now obsolete.
It makes no difference how many you’ve got, where you bought them, how much you paid or how stylish they were.
Toss them away . . . they are now useless.
Your delusions of self and all that come with them.
No longer needed.
They have been persistent . . . holding you back, wreaking havoc, keeping you locked in to cycles of frustration, fear, grasping, confusion.
Toss them away, they too are now useless.
From one day to the next, so much changes.
Everything, actually.
Uncover your eyes.
The Dharma path is unfolding before you; a slight change of perspective and first step is all that’s needed to begin your journey.
Jettison the harmful, the irrelevant . . . engage with the wholesome, the beneficial.
One need not be, or become, a Buddhist to do so.