“Oh, How I love my self, the essence of my self, the importance of my self.”
How thoughtlessly simple this is . . . until our Dharma Eyes open.
Self-centeredness is an archaic trait, rooted in territorial animal impulses and ignorance of reality beyond personal areas of experience.
Most ancient tribes thought their tribe was at the center of the universe, and they were the Chosen Ones.
Even today many people across the face of the Earth believe their ethnic group to somehow be more unique, more special than others, or their nation superior in historical cultural richness, or that their brand of religion is the only one worth considering.
These projections stem from undermining self-blindness.
The self is a plastic of sorts, being molded in each moment by our intentions. As a result, the essence of each of our uniquely wonderful selves is essentially essence-less.
Self is not a thing, or a noun. Instead, it is occurrence; organic, a moment-to-moment fractal process, a verb.
Ongoing, it is limited and constrained only by our mindless clinging to it.
Does this resonate with you?
And if so, what do you do with it?
Quiet down, pay attention, watch your mind.
Watch the interplay of you and everything else in your life; see the relationships and interactions from various angles other than your familiar own.
Cultivate the view that while you are an aspect of it all, you are not the center of any of it.
Work at this . . . sooner or later you’ll begin to take notice of the tired, self-imposed yoke of your own me-ness.
With this, a deep urge to be genuinely free will begin to arise.
This perspective immediately precedes the quantum leap of awakening.
Blessings are moments of transformative freedom . . . let yourself be blessed by what you come to see and understand.
~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from participating in this.