The Path… This Moment

There’s been lots of talk and references made in these writings to the ‘Buddhist’ Path . . . what exactly is that?

For many, it is the Dharma curriculum, full of ideas . . . teachings and practices . . . meditations and perspectives . . . psychology and spirituality . . . motivations and behaviors.

But the truth is, those are not the actual path at all, but simply some of the means we absorb as we progress.

The Path itself?
This moment . . . the next moment . . .

It is in this moment, and this moment only, where we have the ability to apply the essences we glean from the journey . . . to be mindful of our behaviors and the intentions behind them.

We do this by making our lives beautiful and beneficial, by taking personal responsibility for our words and actions, by being meaningful.

The Path?
We create our own, step by step, in each and every moment.
Approach yours gratefully, navigate wisely, travel skillfully.

~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from doing this.