The Warrior’s Path

In the ancient texts, Siddhartha (aka The Buddha) is often referred to as the Conqueror, while the Mahayana Path is described as that of the Bodhisattva Warrior.

Conqueror. Warrior.
These are fighting words, not often used to define people, studies and practices that work to cultivate patience, generosity, virtue, loving kindness and wise compassion.

But Buddhism is a curriculum that stresses the importance of combining evolving spirituality with an emboldened approach to both personal and worldly affairs . . . and oftentimes employing a warrior’s mentality is precisely what is called for.

These days there are many programs, products and services promising to enable us to “feel good’ about ourselves.
(Enticing spiritual pu-pu platters abound . . . shop around we might.)

The Buddha’s Dharma is growing in popularity and, here in the West, there are various lineages and practice approaches one might encounter.

But one day we may come across an approach or teaching that penetrates in a way — or to a depth — other notions or methodologies have not . . . our ‘bell’ is rung, curiosity is piqued . . . we are driven to go deeper . . . to uncover . . . to understand . . . to engage . . . to be.

The Warrior’s journey commences when we encounter a particular path that resonates in this way, and we choose to stick to it.

Authentic resolve naturally blossoms as we learn more about ourselves, broadening our views, expanding our vistas.

As great awareness intensifies, so does our sense to share with others.
Wholeheartedness abounds, we begin to understand what commitment means . . . and where/what/who it will lead us to.

With confidence born of insight, we determine to explore deeper levels of virtuous relationship with the world around us.

It is here that warrior like Dharma begins.

And what, you might be wondering, is the ‘enemy’ we are battling against, seeking to vanquish?

Let’s start with these:
(1) Our own laziness;
(2) Familiar ways of self-centered perceptions and behaviors;
(3) Mindless reactions of anger, jealousy, arrogance, greed, fear;
(4) Falling prey to our perceived limitations;
(5) Confusion, frustration, disturbing emotions, unwholesome motivations.


Does this resonate?
Does a Warrior’s path of this sort touch you?

Can you visualize how this might bring increased well-being to you and those with whom you share your life?

If so . . . do not be doubtful or afraid . . . the Warrior you’ll become is none other than your best self.

~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from doing this.