You Do It Because You Love . . .

And always, there is the outdoors.

Trump yesterday signed a bill designed to unravel Obama’s policy/efforts to tackle global warming.

There are many predicted results of this, let’s focus on one simple one:  

our wilderness areas are becoming increasingly endangered experiences for us all.


How many of us have had genuine contact with a wild place, a wild animal or wild process . . . authentic physical contact?

And if we haven’t, where will our passion to fight and resist the current administration’s flagrantly harmful actions begin?


There’s an old cowboy saying:

“You can kick the spirit out of a horse, but it’s hard to kick it back in.”

So it is, I believe, with the spirit of the wilderness.

Understanding and appreciating the wilderness around us is not a science project, or an endeavor of great risk or nerve-wracking adventure.

It is a project of the deeper, freely shared self, and you don’t do it simply because it must be done.

You do it because it’s beautiful and has enormous value to all beings.

You do it because you love.

In our teachings, this is known as “bodhisattva spirit.”


Turn off your smartphone.

Leave your computer, iPod and iPad behind, get out and join in.

That’s right. Get outside, out onto the planet.

Quiet down, get dirt between your toes and dance to the rhythm of a flowing stream.

You’ll begin to know yourself beyond your tired, narrow personal identity.

As your connections with the outside world arise and blossom, so will your appreciation for your place in it.

As will your concern, responsibilities, and commitments.

There is no legislation on Earth that can dampen or destroy this.


If this resonates, you are leaning in the right direction.


~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from participating.