My Headlines

These days, the news — especially concerning the incoming Administration — is both alarming and depressing.

So, based on the notion that everyday reality is simply our own projection, I think I’ll make up some headlines of my own to consider . . . here’s a half-dozen:


:: National Single-Payer Healthcare Bill Signed Into Law ::

:: Molecular Scientists Discover a World of Vast Intelligence Deep Within Our Own ::

:: Universal Question “Must It Be Like This?” Answered with a Definitive “No” ::

:: Newspaper Readership Soars, Reliance on Social Media for Information Declines Sharply ::

:: Virgin Men and Women Worldwide Vow to Share in Sex Only with People They Adore ::

:: Non-denominational Meditation Programs OK’d for Elementary Schools ::


I sense an endless supply . . . perhaps the same is true for you.
If so, put your notions into words and swirl them around your mind.
Allow yourself to be imaginative.

~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from doing this.