April Fools’ Day

Today is April 1st . . . April Fools’ Day.

A day for pranksters . . . practical jokes . . . hoaxes . . . phony stories . . . fakery . . . trickery . . . mis-directions . . . untruths . . . amusing mischief.

While no one knows exactly where the tradition began, some historians speculate it dates back to 1582, when France confused the population by switching from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563.  Those caught unaware were considered to be “fools.”


Fun is fun, and a sense of non-harming humor is always welcome and mind-freeing.

But I have an idea for something new, somewhat different . . .


How about designating a day each year where we purposefully engage in a tradition of being sincere and honest.

A day on which people thoughtfully regard authenticity and uprightness as qualities to be honored, where integrity of character and action take center stage in our relationships with others.

A day on which we confidently show others our finest, most virtuous qualities without fear of exposing something we keep “safe” behind the self-protecting thoughts and walls of our inhibitions.

A day on which any and all inclinations to lie, steal, deceive, mislead, cheat . . . temptations to be disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive or duplicitous . . . are seen for what they are . . . and consciously ignored.

A day dedicated to thinking and doing what is authentic and wholesome at all times, no matter what the consequences might be.


How close the Buddhas can come to us sometimes.

Perhaps a day mindfully dedicated to authentic, unquestioned virtue and trustworthiness would be . . . inviting to them.

If this resonates, consider loving everything that gets in the way of your doing it.


~Neither grief or a broken heart, or fear, precludes you from participating.